Hello Everyone :) … witam Wszystkich :)

This album, Jesienna tęsknota – czyli – Refleksje kobiety, opens with a song that is very special to me, because its composer is my husband, Leszek Rozmus. 
It is largely due to his support that this CD is being released. 
Its remaining 15 selections are newly-arranged Polish pop songs—you can call them standards already!—that were produced in Florida.  I chose these songs myself.  They are objects of my fascination that enchant me with the maturity and beauty of their lyrics and melodies–tender on the one hand, and powerful on the other.  I associate each of these compositions with important moments in my life.  These are magnificent arrangements that I tried to enrich with my own feelings, my own interpretations.

Have I succeeded?  

Please judge for yourselves!

My sincere wish is that these Polish songs, recorded with Poles in mind–in country and abroad–will spread around the world, not only to accompany the beautiful and precious moments of life, but also to stir subtle feelings and emotions;  to help to create intimate atmospheres;  and to inspire reflection on what matters most: that we love the world and all of its people.

We extend our thanks to Paul Rozmus, the creator of the new arrangements, for his cooperation in the production of this album;  to my daughter, Angelika Ricciardi for her backing vocals;  and to all of the musicians from Poland and the United States whose skills and creativity so enhance its sound.
Big thanks also to all of my closest friends, and to my friends from Facebook for constantly motivating me to record this CD. 

Enjoy Jesienna tęsknota – czyli – Refleksje kobiety through the seasons, through the years…wherever you may be!

Anna Rozmus